our company owner is Harris . he did his BSc business form Forman Chiristian College Lahore. He is married and lives in Gujranwala. His father had idea to start up a business and started travel agency named as "MEHBOOB ALI AND SONS" in Gujranwala. The basic need of they were trying is people who like to visit different places in the world they provide good rates and information about the places they want to visit. where ever people decide to go obviously they need a place to stay this company help you even for that, it can help you hook up with great hotels at people destination with good rate and good hotel services. At the time of hajj and um rah its a very rash time, this agency can help you book ticket in advance and it helps you with all the procedures for example where to depart from and where will you arrive and map showing all the areas you will visit at Madina. They can get you visa's to visit a country if a person doesn't have one. About a potential market size there is no a specific market size as this information is applicable to every one, because every one needs to travel according to their needs. this business is located in Gujranwala, and it is one of the oldest travel agencies that is working in this area. we have been in business for about 35 years. this business was stared by MEHBOOB ILAHI now it's being run by their sons. They do not do any marketing for their business as it is already well known in Gujranwala areas. Although they have very tough competition with but since they have been in business for so long and are well know for providing excellent customer service people have preferred going to them. And same for the sales, they don't do anything extra to get sales: people come to them because of their good reputation whoever is happy with their service they come otherwise go to some other travel agency and if one person comes out happy from their travel agency then obviously he will tell other people and in this way it spreads, so in some way their marketing strategy would be by word of mouth.coming to the business model their goal is to provide better services and top class service to their customers. we warmly welcome our customers into our stores and give them the best customer service that they will always remember and would want to come back and visit our store. we create value at each step of the process by giving them the best service, and by providing them with complete guidance which can help them to make their trip a memorable one. on the other hand we make sure that during their traveling period they don't face any problems and we give them information about each and every thing so it's easy for them to travel. They are not such major show stoppers to our company.
group members
Madeeha -Fareeha -Anam -Ritma